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Software Development from the point of view of DevOps

Jan Wagner

Tools we used to manage our software

Problems with our (old) tools

Way out?

Tools we used to manage our software

Client-server version control software

SVN Structure

And now?

How to fix some of those issues?

Distributed Version Control (recently moves)

Distributed Version Control

Git client/server

central VCS

Distributed Version Control

Centralized decentralized

centralized decentralized

central VCS

The usual branches

usual branches

Support branches

Feature branches

feature branch

Release branches


Hotfix branches

hotfix branch

Monitoring Plugins

Team Communication

Monitoring Plugins

Usual branches

Monitoring Plugins

Special branches

Monitoring Plugins


Milestones on github

Monitoring Plugins

Code contributions

Monitoring Plugins

Quality Assurance

Monitoring Plugins

Quality Assurance

All checks passed on travis-ci

Monitoring Plugins

Quality Assurance

All checks passed on github

Monitoring Plugins

Quality Assurance

Monitoring Plugins

Quality Assurance

Defects found by Coverity

Continuous what? Integration!

Development practice where:

CI - why?

CI - Caveat

CI - (Self-)hosted solutions

CI - For (PHP-)Webapplications


Code Quality


Additional software packages

Hosted Services

Domesticating Developers and Project Management

Many Software development methodologies

Kanban Software

Some more fancy stuff?


Slack looks promising!

Slack down

Why did Mattermost happen?

In 2014, Slack became popular in Silicon Valley, and our company adopted it for messaging. But we had a problem–our archives were in our old messaging app. After our subscription expired, the old app wanted us to pay them to access our own data (and export still didn’t work!). We hated being locked in. We fumed. Our discussions, our research, our analyses, and gigabytes of our carefully tagged in-game artwork was all held for ransom by the service we had trusted. Slack was good, but it was another proprietary SaaS app, and we’d just been burned.

Selfhosted Slack alternatives



Do you love fancy stuff?


Devision of #YoloOps

ChatOps brings the context of work you are already doing into the conversations you are already having. @jfryman


NewRelic ChatOps


PagerDuty ChatOps


Netways ChatOps


